مــنــتــدى الــكــنــيــســة الأرثــوذكــســيــة - فــلــســطــيــن - الأرض الــمــقدســة
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Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark (68?)

اذهب الى الأسفل

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark (68?) Empty Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark (68?)

مُساهمة  Admin الخميس مايو 08, 2008 12:33 am

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark (68?) and Saint Ananias, Second Bishop of Alexandria (1st c.)

April 25

(May 08 – West)

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark (68?)

"Mark was an idolater from Cyrene of Pentapolis, which is near Libya. Having come to the Faith of Christ through the Apostle Peter, he followed him to Rome. While there, at the prompting of Peter himself and at the request of the Christians living there, he wrote his Gospel in Greek... Afterwards, travelling in Egypt, he preached the Gospel there and was the first to establish the Church in Alexandria. The idolators, unable to bear his preaching, seized him, bound him with ropes, and dragged him through the streets until he, cut to pieces on rocks, gave up his soul. It is said that he completed his life in martyrdom about the year 68. He is depicted in holy icons with a lion next to him, one of the living creatures mentioned by Ezekiel (1:10), and a symbol of Christ's royal office, as St Irenaeus of Lyons writes." (Great Horologion)

Saint Ananias, Second Bishop of Alexandria (1st c.)

When St Mark the Apostle first came to Alexandria, he tore one of his shoes and took it to a cobbler. While the cobbler, whose name was Ananias, was working, he drove his awl through his hand, injuring himself badly. The Apostle mixed dust with his spittle and anointed the hand, which immediately became whole. Amazed at the miracle, Ananias invited St Mark to his house, listened to him as he proclaimed the Gospel, believed, and was baptized along with his household. Such was Ananias' zeal for the Gospel that St Mark made him bishop of the Christians in the city. He was the second Bishop of Alexandria.

المساهمات : 271
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/01/2008
العمر : 36
الموقع : www.orthodox.yoo7.com


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